What is Roadrunner Promise?

Roadrunner Promise (RRP) covers the student's share of in-state tuition and published mandatory fees for students who qualify for up to 15 credits.

Eligibility Requirements

The Roadrunner Promise program’s two subcategories of eligibility are detailed below.

RRP 0: Student Aid Index (SAI) of zero or below

This Student Aid Index (SAI) of zero or below is demonstrated by filing the FAFSA/CASFA.

You may qualify for the RRP 0 by:

  • Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the specified deadline date. If you are not eligible to complete the FAFSA, complete the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA). If you do not meet the deadline, you will not be considered for Roadrunner Promise for the current aid year. However, if you meet the deadline in a future year, you will be considered for Roadrunner Promise for that year.
  • Being a Colorado resident as determined by MSU Denver Admissions.
  • Authorizing Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) each term.
  • Being enrolled in at least one class each term.
  • Completing all financial aid requirements by August 1.
  • Not being eligible for the RRP $60k program as a first-time student.
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (2.0 cumulative GPA and 67% completion rate).

Special Note: For this eligibility criteria, any increases in Student Aid Index (SAI) that occur in subsequent years will impact your eligibility. Students must complete a FAFSA/CASFA annually.

Students enrolled in 16 credits or more will pay for the additional credits with other financial aid or out of pocket.

RRP $60k: Adjusted gross family income (AGI) of $60,000 or less

This adjusted gross family income* (AGI) of $60,000 or less is demonstrated by filing the FAFSA/CASFA.

You may qualify for the RRP $60k by:

  • Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you are not eligible to complete the FAFSA, complete the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA). You must meet the published deadline for FAFSA or CASFA completion every year. If you do not meet the published deadline, you will no longer be eligible for Roadrunner Promise $60k for any future year.
  • Being a first-time college student.
  • Being a Colorado resident as determined by MSU Denver Admissions.
  • Authorizing Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) each term.
  • Taking a full-time load of courses each term. If you drop below full-time status in any semester, you will no longer be eligible for Roadrunner Promise $60k in any future years.
  • Completing all financial aid requirements by August 1.
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (2.0 cumulative GPA and 67% completion rate).

Special Note: For this eligibility criteria, students only need to meet the $60k or less AGI in their first year to qualify. They must complete a FAFSA/CASFA annually, but will not lose RRP eligibility solely because their AGI goes up in the future.

Students enrolled in 16 credits or more will pay for the additional credits with other financial aid or out of pocket.

*Adjusted gross family income is defined as parent(s) adjusted gross income for dependent students, or student (and spouse) adjusted gross income for independent students.

Complete your FAFSA or CASFA Today!

There are deadlines to file the FAFSA and CASFA.

The deadline for students starting in Fall Term is July 1.

The deadline for students starting in Spring Term is September 1.

The deadline for students starting in Summer Term is April 1.

Note: The Roadrunner Promise covers up to 15 credits each semester, and you must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for financial aid each term.

Deadlines for a Complete File:

In order to be considered for Roadrunner Promise, you must have a complete FAFSA or CASFA and Financial Aid file (all required documentation submitted and completed) by these deadlines:

August 1 for Fall Term

October 1 for Spring Term

May 1 for Summer Term

Completed files received after these deadlines will be reviewed for the next semester.

Important Roadrunner Promise Details

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How Roadrunner Promise is applied

Structured as a last-dollar award, Roadrunner Promise will supplement the gap between any federal or state grants received and the full cost of tuition and published mandatory fees.

Institutional and Outside Scholarships will be excluded from the calculation with the exception of scholarships that cover the student’s full cost of tuition and published mandatory fees.

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What fees are covered?

Published mandatory fees:
• Auraria Bond Fee
• Intercollegiate Athletic Fee
• Campus Recreation Fee
• Tivoli Park Facility Fee
• Clean Energy Fee
• Health & Wellness Fee
• Online Education Fee
• Phoenix Center Fee
• Metro Bond Fee
• Student Affairs Fee
• Technology Fee
• Matriculation Fee

Fees that ARE NOT included: Health Insurance Fee, Lynx Crossing, Housing, parking passes, fines and any other fees not listed in the covered fees above.

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How will students know they are receiving Roadrunner Promise?

Students will receive an email notifying them of their approval.

Roadrunner Promise includes a combination of any of the following funding:

• Federal Pell Grant
• Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
• Colorado State Grant
• MSU Denver Supplemental Grant

This also means that although a student is receiving Roadrunner Promise, they will not have “Roadrunner Promise” listed as part of their financial aid offer.

Eligibility FAQ's

How will Roadrunner Promise be provided to me in my financial aid package?

For the 2024-2025 aid year, RRP students will be awarded based on their financial aid eligibility as determined by student SAI. Adjustments or increases to cover additional tuition and fees will be added after enrollment is finalized at the census date each semester.


Additional FAQ's

Have Questions for the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships?

Contact Us! We are here to help!

Whether you're not finding the necessary info on this web page or would rather get in touch with a human, feel free to call or email us.

Physical Location & Address:
Jordan Student Success Building (JSSB), Suite 130
890 Auraria Pkwy
Denver, CO 80204

Phone: 303-556-8593
Fax: 720-778-5833
Email: finaid@msudenver.edu

Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Friday: Call Center opens at 9am

Mailing Address:
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
Campus Box 2, PO Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217

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